Find your plate diary

Type your plate number in the white box in the upper left corner then hit Enter.

Our biggest Flying Plate giveaway yet!

Over 20 names, originally uploaded by passitonplates.
It’s our biggest giveaway yet!
Enter to
win a free Pass It On Plate
in our monthly drawing.
All monthly drawing entries have a chance to win our Grand Prize:
a set of four Pass It On Plates!
That would help with your Christmas shopping, wouldn’t it?

From July 1 through the end of September, you can enter to win every time you make a plate diary entry. The more plate diary entries you make, the more chances you have to win!

Whoo hoo!

Winners of these plates get to mix and match the plate color, the PlateWrap, the Pretty Little Doo Dad, and special paint pen color of their choice to totally personalize their prize.

Here are three ways to enter:

You get one entry when you leave a qualifying comment in the official Plate Diary (right here)
(see below to learn more about what a qualifying comment is)

You get two entries when you email us a picture of your plate.

You get three entries when you email us a picture of you with the plate as you pass it on.

1 + 2 + 3 = 6
For example, if you make a comment in your plate’s online diary,
and email a picture of your plate,
and email another picture of you giving the plate to a friend,
you’ll get six entries to win!

Just pass it on &
encourage your friends to keep it moving.

Click here for the rest of the details and contest rules.

A Pass It On Plate is a ceramic plate that travels from person to person, sharing food gifts and bringing goodies to pot luck dinners.

Each plate has its own tracking number which corresponds to an online Plate Diary.

As people pass their plate from person to person,

they visit our website to read messages left for them by their friends, read about where the plate has been and what it has carried, and they can leave messages to their friends before they pass it on again.

Thank you for visiting!