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Pre-Christmas Sale!

Now through December 1st, we are offering a special sale on all Christmas and winter themed PlateWraps.

Buy any Pass It On Plate Lite or Original Pass It On Plate and get a Christmas or winter themed PlateWrap for only a dollar!

Now you can give Pass It On Plates to your friends and family over the holidays and they'll have an extra PlateWrap to use when the plate continues its journey in January.

Yes, the holiday PlateWrap is only a dollar!

But hurry, this offer lasts only through December 1st - or while supplies last.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to struggle with gift ideas for some of my family, even though I know them, their hobbies and interests sometimes I just can't think of what to buy them.
    What I have decided to do this year is search the net and look for sites that give inspiration and gift ideas for all members of the family.

    One that I have taken a fancy to is i want one of those which is fantastic if you are buying for younger people.


Enter your Plate Diary comment below.

Remember to include the name or nickname of the person you are giving the plate to. It's nice to note what's on the plate and the occasion, if any.

You can choose to include your name or nickname with the comments or in the box below.

♥ ♥ Do you want to show us a picture of your plate? Email it to - be sure to tell us your plate number so we can put it in the correct Plate Diary.

A Pass It On Plate is a ceramic plate that travels from person to person, sharing food gifts and bringing goodies to pot luck dinners.

Each plate has its own tracking number which corresponds to an online Plate Diary.

As people pass their plate from person to person,

they visit our website to read messages left for them by their friends, read about where the plate has been and what it has carried, and they can leave messages to their friends before they pass it on again.

Thank you for visiting!