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Classic Blueberry Muffins

Here is your recipe for the week of July 26-August 2.
Recipe courtesy of our worn (and favorite) Betty Crocker cookbook.

It's a standby at our house. This classic muffin recipe is the old fashioned muffin like Grandma used to make, not the cake-y muffin you see in stores.

The beginnings of berry muffins
Originally uploaded by passitonplates

Ready to bake
Originally uploaded by passitonplates

Notice the yellow strips of lemon zest in the batter?
(This is in a red silicone muffin pan, by the way.)
Unfortunately, this is the last picture taken of the muffins. They were devoured by hungry family members in the time it took the cook to pull them out of the oven and grab the camera.

A Pass It On Plate is a ceramic plate that travels from person to person, sharing food gifts and bringing goodies to pot luck dinners.

Each plate has its own tracking number which corresponds to an online Plate Diary.

As people pass their plate from person to person,

they visit our website to read messages left for them by their friends, read about where the plate has been and what it has carried, and they can leave messages to their friends before they pass it on again.

Thank you for visiting!