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Tropical Batik Print with Primary Curls Doo Dad


I'm so glad I was able to come visit for the weekend. I brought you a big plate of chocolate covered macaroons.


(click on comments to read more)



  1. Lakeisha,
    I'm so glad I was able to come visit for the weekend. I brought you a big plate of chocolate covered macaroons.

  2. Hey Stacey,

    Hope your ankle is feeling better. I'm sorry you spent most of the cookout in the ER. Here's a huge plate of everything from the party. (The ribs and fruit salad are messy so I put them in their own containers.)

    See you next weekend.

  3. Happy Birthday Mary!
    Hope you get everything you're hoping for this year.
    Love, Stacey

  4. Happy Valentines Day Mom and Dad. I love you.

  5. Hi Shannon,
    Mary tells me that if I pass this to you, the company will donate a dollar to help feed hungry people. You know me, The Mom, and I always have to make sure everyone has been properly fed.

    Here's a loaf of bread. This is the kind you like to toast. When you're done, pass the plate on again to keep feeding all those hungry people out there.

    Love, Mom

  6. Traci,

    Thanks for helping me with the boys last weekend. I don't know how I could have made it through the day without your help. You are a gem.


  7. Mary's little sister TraciSunday, May 24, 2009

    Hey Mary, your big Memorial Day party needs a big plate full of strawberries with my secret fruit dip. (Ok, it's cream cheese, marshmallow cream, and maraschino cherry juice. I know you were going to bug me for it again...) Besides, it's your turn to take the plate. Just don't hang on to it so long this time, k?

  8. Hey Traci, take this leftover pizza home with you. Had a great time this evening doing crafts with the kids. See you again this weekend, love your big sis.

  9. Hey Shannon
    We tried something new this year and got pie pumpkins with the regular jack o lantern pumpkins. This was my first time cooking pumpkin and I made these pumpkin bars 100% from scratch. They are soooo good. (Hide them before Tom finds out or you'll never get any!)


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Remember to include the name or nickname of the person you are giving the plate to. It's nice to note what's on the plate and the occasion, if any.

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♥ ♥ Do you want to show us a picture of your plate? Email it to - be sure to tell us your plate number so we can put it in the correct Plate Diary.

A Pass It On Plate is a ceramic plate that travels from person to person, sharing food gifts and bringing goodies to pot luck dinners.

Each plate has its own tracking number which corresponds to an online Plate Diary.

As people pass their plate from person to person,

they visit our website to read messages left for them by their friends, read about where the plate has been and what it has carried, and they can leave messages to their friends before they pass it on again.

Thank you for visiting!